Tag Archives: realizations

Sunlights and Shadows

Another day is dawning, the sunlight slowly bathed

The floors and walls of this tiny and serene space

I slowly opened my eyes covered with yellow haze

And slowly tilted my head towards the light of day

I have always feared the sun because of its radiance

The warmth it brings causes me to tremble

I shiver all over, causing my crown to slowly crumble

As I often bow down, it falls down one by one

In the middle of the day, a shadow blocked the sun

I would usually savor the occasional privilege

Of resting in the shade just for a change

To lift up my head without anyone knowing

The shadow stayed at the door for a while

Then it slowly moved from one pot to another

Gazing at the hues, taking in each color

Or maybe looking for something beyond what is seen

It slowly went towards me as I was at the end

I was the last among this line of colors in this place

And I did my best to make it my sacred space

It went towards me until I was staring at it face-to-face

For the first time, someone took notice of me

Even if I am all shrouded in the shadow

I cannot help but be amazed by it. How?

How did it see the frail and elusive me?

It kneeled slowly, reaching towards my crown

Each remaining petal it caressed, smoothing every wrinkle

Its breath would cause me to gently tingle

I wonder if this is what it feels like to be cared

Finally, it stood up and declared to all

“This one I shall take for whatever it is

I will always straighten up what might be amiss

It will never shed a crown under my care.”

Night time would come soon and it will leave

I thought under its care I will always be?

It then slowly faded away from me

While gazing at every other color in front of me

So I slowly lowered my head and trembled with fear

Sadness, anger, and anxiety overwhelmed me

It was just another shadow that will eventually flee

After it made you hope and dream and be

I gave up on hoping that someday I will be

As radiant as the flowers that are on display

I slowly shook my head and sighed to say

“Maybe I will never see the light of day again”

Another day is dawning, the sunlight slowly bathed

The floors and walls of this tiny and serene space

I slowly opened my eyes covered with yellow haze

And slowly tilted my head towards the light of day

No shadow was in sight that day

I finally realized that I indeed needed it

That he was a presence that I would deem

Necessary as the sun, even for a while each day

The sun is slowly setting and I slowly bowed

No, the shadow never showed up inside

I shook my head, shedding my crown, as I tried

To hold on to the one and only petal that I have

“You are most beautiful when you face

The sun in its most glorious bathing of yellow

That makes you lift your head and finally show

Your smile that makes the whole place better.”

This shadow was behind me all along

Letting me remember what I was really made for

The bright sun is what makes me a sunflower

And I will bask on its warmth with the shadow on my side.



written: 05sept2016

given a new meaning: 18nov2016

picture taken from https://www.google.com.ph/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwikpPHWyLLQAhUIKpQKHaVXDP8QjRwIBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F187392034467839816%2F&bvm=bv.139250283,d.dGo&psig=AFQjCNEzHtSR6pMb1SUiAu9T6IiohtndJw&ust=1479567521793653